Oct 13, 2015

VUB Foundation Award for Painting for Young Artists

The VUB Foundation announced the tenth annual Painting competition. The finalists' works selected by an international jury were presented last week at the exhibition in Bratislava. My work 'Nothing Is Wrong' has also been selected and is on view at Nedbalka gallery alongside 19 other works by 19 artists. The exhibition runs through November 8.


CZXSK @ Gagarinka Gallery, Bratislava

CZXSK exhibition is the first curatorial project of Slavomíra Ondrušová and Milan Vagač, editors of the X magazine. X magazine was first published in 2013 and has since been focusing on mapping contemporary drawing as well as its theoretical reflection.

Participating artists: Jan Pfeiffer, Tomáš Roubal, Jan Vytiska, Jiří Franta a David Böhm, Matěj Smetana, Lucie Mičíková, Daniela Krajčová, Svetlana Fialová, Monogramista T.D, Marián Vredík, Rastislav Podhorský, Boris Sirka, Juraj Gábor

CZXSK is on until September 27 at Gagarinka gallery in Bratislava.

Sep 22, 2015

'A nejak nemám slinu' @ Nástupište 1-12, Topoľčany

SK//Kto aspoň raz navštívil Topoľčany, určite mu neunikla budova Knihy na pešej zóne v centre mesta. Práve (K)kniha je centrálnym motívom 12 metrov dlhej nástennej maľby slovenskej výtvarníčky Svetlany Fialovej, "A nejak nemám slinu".

Z knihy - budovy vyliezajú na stenu topoľčianskeho podchodu postavy ľudí, alebo časti ich tiel, utekajúcich preč z malomestského prostredia. Z mesta s typickou stanicou s vysychajúcimi kvetmi v črepníkoch na stanici, pomedzi ktorých rednúce konáre a hnednúce listy zazerajú žijúce mŕtvoly. Nad postavami obyvateľov mesta, ktorí zostali a ktorí svoj deň napĺňajú študovaním letákov so zľavami v niektorej z miestnych diskontných predajní, či bezstarostným povaľovaním sa na kúpalisku na okraji mesta, levituje ezoterička. Tá svoju túžbu po kultúre a umení v malom meste kompenzuje útekom k ezoterike...

Fialová vo svojej nástennej maľbe ponúka ironizujúci pohľad na smutnú skutočnosť malých miest na Slovensku, ktorý sa mieša s neskrývanou sympatiou a snahou o pochopenie. 

EN//I spent a week in Topoľčany and made this mural in the underpass of the town's bus station. I tried to capture a typical small town atmosphere using the elements and local stories I came across during my stay. Inspired by the dominant building in the town centre - the bookshop called 'The Book' - there are people and their body parts leaving 'The Book' and slowly fleeing away from the small town environment. Some residents spend their days studying flyers with discounts, while others chill at the swimming pool on the outskirts of the town. A meditating female figure levitates above their heads, trying to compensate her desire for culture and arts with an esoteric escape...

TEXT in Slovak by Julo Krištof
FOTO by Peter Fodora

Check the website of Nástupište 1-12 the Multimedia Space for Culture Now http://www.nastupiste.sk/news/

Jun 29, 2015

RESET 2015 / 11th Triennale of drawing and small objects / Banská Štiavnica SVK

RESET is an action or a signal which quickly stops the operation of an existing system and restarts it again from the beginning. The subtitle of the exhibition taking place at the Jozef Kollár Gallery in Banská Štiavnica indicates an effort to redefine a group project with a long tradition. I am showing two drawings alongside 37 other artists. Graphic design of the catalogue by The Rodina.

pics from the show opening: 

Bears, catastrophes and other everyday events

Photos of the exhibition installation, for more click on the link below.





Jun 18, 2015

Bears, catastrophes and other everyday events

I was invited to exhibit alongside my friend and a talented painter Katarína Janečková Walshe. Our show opens tonight (June 18 at 7pm) at Nová galerie in Prague.

Please accept our cordial invitation to the exhibition.

Bears, catastrophes and other everyday events
Katarina Janečková Walshe and Svetlana Fialová

18. 6. – 25. 7. 2015
Balbínova 26, Prague 2

More info here and below http://www.novagalerie.cz/exhibition/bears/

Painter Katarína Janečková-Walshe comes from Bratislava. She is also a sportswoman - a world wakeboarding champion – and she lives alternately in New York and Texas. She graduated from the Josef Vydra School of Applied Arts in Bratislava and continued her studies at the Bratislava Academy of Fine Arts in prof. Ivan Csudaia’s studio.
Katarina’s painting style is fresh, distinctive and joyful and her paintings emanate happiness, playfulness, passion and eroticism. Her works are balancing on the brink of pornographic kitsch, they are instinct with eroticism and they let the viewer taste the “forbidden fruit”. Katarina is an inquisitive woman and artist; she provokes and has her own specific visual world with a personal iconography often on the brink of playing with pornographic sexual nudes of young girls interacting with distinctly anthropomorphized teddy bears. Katarina plays a lot – she plays with colours, composition, topics and even the spectators; she creates a world which is exciting to look into and be inspired by it.

Světlana Fialová comes from Košice, where she attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Rudolf Sikora’s studio and later, she graduated from the Prague Academy of Fine Arts, Vladimír Skrepl’s studio. She currently lives and works in London and Košice alternately. Individual exhibitions of her works were held in Paris, Budapest and Vienna; she also won the Jerwood Drawing Prize (2013), which is the most prestigious award for drawing in Great Britain. Fialová almost exclusively works with ink on large formats. Her drawing is clear, clean and an almost obsessive desire to cover the white surface is characteristic for it – Svetlana tattoos a large sheet of white paper, she fills it with her own iconography, but does not hesitate to combine her characteristic personal symbols (e.g. the portrait of her boyfriend pulling chewing gum from his mouth) with symbols from the realm of Christian iconography (e.g. Dürer’s Horsemen of the Apocalypse). Fialová recycles and remixes the existing visual code and transforms it into a new one, which, in her opinion, gives accurate and updated answers to the meaning and state of the contemporary world.

Apr 28, 2015

Slovak Artists Selection PKN Bratislava

I was invited to speak at the Slovak Artists Selection Pecha Kucha Night in Bratislava alongside 10 other great artists. The presentation takes place at Kunsthalle Bratislava on Tuesday April 28, it would be nice to see you there.

Join the international crowd of curators and gallerists and get to know Slovak art scene at PechaKucha Night Bratislava Special Edition. The artists were selected by curators of galleries and alternative exhibiting spaces from all around Slovakia. The presentations are in English.

Tickets: 5 euro presale at TUTO and Ex Libris v SNG / 7 euro at the event

PKN BA Special Edition is organised in cooperation with Dom umenia/Kunsthalle Bratislave as part of IKT congress, Vienna.

Jan 19, 2015

New prints

I've made new screen prints called Illuminati Confirmed. They come in two colours - purple and black (edition of 30). Buy yours via plusminusnula@gmail.com
 All money collected from the prints goes to Plusminusnula gallery and New Synagogue - Kunsthalle in Zilina.